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Sustainable Living Awards, 2015

On October 5th, 2015, Sustainable Claremont held its sixth Annual Meeting and awarded certificates of appreciation for exceptional contributions to a more sustainable community in the following categories:

Leadership in Sustainability — to John Cobb for leadership in organizing the Whitehead Conference and for decades of intellectual contribution and leadership.

Tree Champion to Mark von Wodtke and Ray and Barbara Fowler for their many efforts to save trees.

Sustainable Landscape to Terri and Ray Riojas for their beautiful low-water garden.

Green School to Claremont High School for for their orchard and low-water landscape projects.

Energy Savings Champion to Southern California Gas Company for sponsoring Claremont Earth Day and for supporting the Claremont Energy Challenge.

Community Partnership to Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden for donating space for the Sustainability Resource Center and for partnering with DRIP’s Low-Water Landscape Expo.

Academic Partnership to the Roberts Environmental Center for partnering with the Claremont Energy Challenge.

Green Faith-Based Group to the Interfaith Sustainability Council for bringing the community together around sustainability.
