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Waste Management

Waste Management

To ensure that we, and future generations, have what we need to live comfortable lives, we need to husband our resources. Reducing what we use, buying reusable items, composting what we can, and recycling when an object is finally worn out are all ways in which this can be done.  Planned obsolescence and excess packaging create a need to use more of our land for trash disposal. Plastic bags and other litter make their way to the ocean where huge 'islands' of our unwanted items pollute the water and kill the wildlife. 
Current Projects: No current project — suggest one!

What can you recycle? Take a look at the City's regulations and list of what can be recycled.
Sharps disposal: Joslyn Center, 660 Mountain Ave, M-F, 8am-5pm, (909) 399-5488. Claremont residents only, not for bulk or commercial use
Medication disposal: Claremont Police Department, 570 W Bonita Ave, daily 8am-10pm, (909) 399-5411. No liquid medications accepted. Pills should be removed from original containers and placed in sealed plastic bag.
Household batteries: Claremont Library, call (909) 621-4902
e-waste: Greenway Solid Waste and Recycling, (909) 518-7943 to schedule free curbside pickup wthin  72 hours
Other City services: for more info on solid and toxic waste disposal, go to the City Website


Questions or ideas? Contact us!

It is less difficult to separate garbage than to find a new habitable planet.
Lucy Hawking
