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Recommended Curriculum for Homeowners

I. Effort in Claremont

Sustainable Claremont
Updates on the activities and presentations Sustainable Claremont is planning. List of contacts for different sustainability committee heads (environmental, water, building, energy, etc.)

City of Claremont Sustainability
Provides links for the Sustainable City Plan, created in 2008, and the city’s 2009 Sustainability Report Card. The site also describes the current steps being taken to save energy in Claremont.


II. General Information about Home Performance Retrofits

U.S. Department of Energy
Under the “For Consumers” section, there are educational materials about improving your home’s and car’s efficiency as well as general information about energy efficiency and renewable energy. In particular the energy tips provide ideas for easy ways to save energy in your home and community in an interactive format.

Efficiency First
Efficiency First is a nonprofit organization funded by the home performance industry. Great glossary of terms and a very good presentation that introduces homeowners to why energy retrofits are important with a shorter version also available.

Energy Savvy
A site run by workers from leading industries like Microsoft and Amazon to educate the public on the benefits of energy retrofits and how to make an energy retrofit cost effective. You can input data into the site’s calculator to get an initial prediction of your home’s efficiency. The site helps homeowners find reputable contractors and provides a forum for homeowners to ask questions about home performance retrofits.


III. How to Find Rebates for Performance and Prescriptive Measures

Federal Energy Star Program
The "Home Improvement" section contains steps to perform your own initial audit of your home and ways to improve your home's efficiency on your own. The site explains the necessary home insulation levels and air sealing measures. "Products" section describes how a product becomes energy star rated, where you can buy energy star rated appliances and what rebates are available.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE)
DSIRE helps homeowners find the current locate state, local, utility and federal incentives and rebates available for those who perform a home performance retrofit or other prescriptive measures. It also provides a glossary explaining what is/who is eligible for grant programs, bond programs, corporate tax incentives, etc.


IV. Technical Information (Building Science, Economic Viability)

U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewables Sector
Encourages homeowners to get an energy audit and points out the locations of potential problems in the home like insulation, air sealing, lighting, old appliances, and heating and cooling. DoE helps homeowners locate the inefficiencies in their homes and then guides them to the rebates available to fix the inefficiencies.

U.S. Energy Information Administation (EIA)
EIA provides residential energy consumption survey data, a historical database on how energy use has changed and forecasts future energy use in various sectors. The site focuses on the amount of development, use and price of petroleum, coal, natural gas, electricity, renewable energy, and nuclear energy.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
NREL is a federal laboratory dedicated to the research, development, commercialization and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. The site provides an up-to-date analysis of energy saving equipment available as well as a projection of the equipments market potential.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Insulation Fact Sheet
A site on research of building envelope which cautions homeowners about the ways that insulation can be improperly installed or damaged through their residence in the home. The site describes both how to insulate new homes and how to add insulation to old homes to ensure moisture control and ventilation while ensuring that the building shell is tight. Various calculators are provided so you can determine the necessary R-value of insulation based on your zip code.
